Someone who is cool.
not necessarily me!

This page last updated: January 23, 1998

Hi!!!! to Jakko, Bec, and Mark...
Hope you guys are actually seeing this! You need to go to the Midland page to find my quotes, and recent events.. (that would be the part that you guys are involved in!) EMAIL ME!!!!

The Guestbook now works! YAY! Please leave me a message on it! Also, check out the MISCELLANEOUS Page... I've finally added it : )

What's new at toRch's site?

toRch's world... image map


Honourable mentions, gold stars, and all that go out to the following sites: (my isp, the site I get backgrounds from, a funky site all about "Jen"'s, and my browser, not necessarily in that order!)

honourable mentions... image map

Last edited... January 23, 1998 09:39 AM